As the name suggests, create method/operation is used to create a new entry or record for the respective entity.

In our previous parts, we are dealing with sales header information (Part 5), in the same fashion, we will create new sales order in the system by using create_entity. And the create operation is type POST method in HTTP

Create Operation
Redefine the create_entity method: Tcode SE24
importing parameter IO_DATA_PROVIDER is an object which holds the payload (passed in request) and the response would be sent in the ER_ENTITY exporting parameter(which is same type as the entity type)

Create_entity takes payload(payload is nothing but a json/xml object) as a request, which is the same as the entity type

You can create a payload either via manually or use the option of “Use as request” in its corresponding get call/operation as in the below image

use as request
Payload goes in the HTTP Request section

In real-time, you will get the payload from the UI developer to test/debug the same or from the trace(Tracing: we will cover in due course)

But if you want to create the payload manually then take care of case sensitiveness and get the validation from external formatting tools like

Now, let’s move to the coding part: The basic requirement is to create a sales order in reference to sales order provided in the payload. In the current example lets create a sales order with reference to sales order 98

Status code of response
Final outcome of the create operation or post method

Code implemented inside the create_entity method after redefining the method.

Note: This is sample logic, you can implement any logic as per your need once received the payload

  METHOD orderrheaderset_create_entity.
    "Data declaration
    DATA: ls_vbakkom      TYPE vbakkom,
          ls_vbak         TYPE vbak,
          ls_payload_data TYPE zcl_zxyz_sample_odata_mpc=>ts_orderrheader.
    "Get the data from the payload
    io_data_provider->read_entry_data( IMPORTING es_data = ls_payload_data ).
* 00. initialization                                                   *
* a) BAPIs run without dialog                                          *
* b) call beleg_initialisieren                                         *
        simulation_mode_bapi = space.
* 02. copy the document                                                *
        i_auarn        = 'TA'
        i_vbeln        = ls_payload_data-vbeln
        call_from_bapi = 'X'
        fvbakkom       = ls_vbakkom
        error_message  = 01.
    CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
* 00. save the new document                                            *
        evbak         = ls_vbak
        error_message = 01.

    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_vbak TO er_entity.


As a result, a new sales order was created in the system

VA03 Sales order Display
New sales order created with the help of create operation/post method

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1 Comment

More about Update Operations in OData -Part 8 - ABAP Skill · July 29, 2021 at 4:37 pm

[…] our previous part, we have already created a sales order by using the post method. Let’s update the […]

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